The Department of Social Policy offers high quality undergraduate studies (8 semesters of study) with an emphasis on the education of scientists regarding the study and research of society and its problems, the analysis of institutions, social structures and their timeless and transient transformation, with the ultimate goal being the design, implementation and evaluation of social policy at local, national and international level. Social policy as a subject is interdisciplinary and involves the combination of theory and application. In particular, the aim of the Department is to educate students in the fields of social policy, social theory, social and economic development, social history of Greece and Europe, rural and urban sociology, rural geography, demography and the state or non-governmental intervention in the areas of employment, social security, labour and social relations, income, health, combating social inequalities and social exclusion, social rights, gender, education, migration, family, housing and social movements.


STADA lab is involved in the following undergraduate courses:


There is a number of students that have completed their diploma thesis in STADA Lab. The following list presents the most recent diploma theses:

  • Population projections with two scenarios in the examples of the countries of Greece and Sweden, Kambouri Ioanna 
  • Investigating the levels of political trust to national and international institutions: Evidence from the European Social Survey for Spain, 2002-2016, Dimitriou Thomas
  • Measuring employment satisfaction with evidence from the SHARE project, Gemelou Christina
  • Comparing data from different sources: The case of the employment status, Thomais Kavvoura
  • The use of IPUMS micro data for the statistical analysis of demographic and social characteristics of the Greek population in 2001, Eleni Kosma